Research Fishing Tournaments
Pō’aiapuni Ola Mau – Free Entry Fishing Tournament 2023
Poseidon Fisheries Research is teaming up with the non-profit organization Napu’uomalei to put on a fishing tournament for Oahu fishers to help us collect valuable biological data and fish samples for current research projects to learn more about these local species. Fishers that first participate in our beach clean up on June 3, will earn free entry into the tournament in the boat-based division in Maunalua Bay and/or the Oahu-wide shoreline division. The boat division will consist of a maximum of 30 boats, while anyone can join the shoreline event. Hope we see you there!!
The tournament is funded through a grant from NOAA Pacific Islands Region Sustainable Recreational and Non-Commercial Fishing Program.
Earn Free Entry at our Beach Clean Up – June 3rd
Come join us as we work to clean up our beaches. We will all meet at 9:00am at the Maunalua Beach Park. Supplies will be provided and we will all pick up trash in the area until 11:00am. Following the clean up, we will provide refreshments and discuss all the research projects fishers will be helping with. Your participation in the clean up will earn you FREE entry into the tournament June 15-17.
Boat-based Tournament – June 17th
The boat-based portion of the tournament will all launch boats at the Maunalua Bay Boat Ramp and then meet at a designated spot in the bay. Fishing will occur begin at 7:00am and the weigh in will run from 1:30pm – 2:30pm. Fishing area will correspond to the commercial reporting grid 409 (map below). As boats come back, they will first get their fish weighed and entered into the tournament. We will have tents set up in line with the weigh-in where the fishers will then visit one at a time to get their research fish sampled and talk story with all the researchers and collaborators.

Oahu Shoreline Tournament – June 15th – June 17th
Shoreline participants can begin fishing on June 15 and continue fishing until the weigh-in on June 17, at Maunalua Bay Beach Park, from 12:00pm-1:00pm. All legal forms of fishing are permitted but must be based off the shore. No fishing/spearing off a boat.
Jungle Rules – The rules are, there are no rules!! Capture the fish however you can LEGALLY – please fish pono. Boats must stay within the tournament zone provided. Shoreline can fish all around Oahu without boat assistance. Boats and shoreline fishers are competing for the same prize categories unless otherwise stated, can participate in both if you got a boat spot.
Prize Categories – Each category winner will receive gift cards to local fishing stores (Nanko, POP, Hanapa’a, and/or Charley’s). Prizes will be distributed after the weigh in on June 17th.
Biggest papio/ulua (Ulua Aukea: min size = 24 in FL; or Omilu: min size = 15 in FL)
FL = Fork Length (measure tip of snout to fork in tail)
Minimum size for entry represents the L50 for these species, or the length at which 50% were found to be sexually mature, to help fish reproduce at least once before harvesting.
Adult Category Keiki Category 16U Barbless Category
1st $200 1st $200 1st $200 value
2nd $125 2nd $125 2nd $100 value
3rd $75 3rd $75 3rd $50 value
Biggest O’io
Adult Category Keiki Category 16U Closest to 6.23 lbs $200
1st $200 1st $200 – can’t go over
2nd $125 2nd $125
3rd $75 3rd $75
Research Fish Categories – biological samples (otoliths and gonads) will be cut out and gutted fish will be returned or can choose to donate to help feed local families.
Biggest Goat (moana kali, munu, kumu) $200
Biggest Nenue $200
Nenue Bingo – Most species of nenue (out of 5) – if tie highest weight combined $200
Smallest Nenue (<16 in)* $200
Smallest Goat (<12 in)* – (moana kali, munu, kumu), kumu MUST be legal (10 in) $200
*Please only harvest 1 small kine for each if attempting smallest categories – smaller samples are crucial to the research, but we do not want to end up taking all the small fish
Other Categories
Most Data Collected:
Goes to fisher who collected the most data for their released catch. Photos needed for each.
Shoreline 1st $200 2nd $125
Boat Based 1st $200 2nd $125
Invasives: Most Total Weight (Roi, Ta’ape, To’au)
Shoreline $200
Boat Based $200
Research Raffle: Each research fish specimen provided earns one raffle ticket. $25X8=$200
Barbless Raffle: Each fish entered in the barbless category earns one raffle ticket. $25X4=$100 and prize bags
Prizes from any category with no winner will be added to the raffles.